Friday, August 17, 2007

World Trade Center

Last night I came across a video of the World Trade Center attacks that most have not seen. It was filmed from a couple living in an apartment nearby and only released it to the public last September. Haley and I watched it and were pretty much silenced by it.
For me, it was good because I really don't want to forget that day. Make the time to watch it.
The link is below. I hope it works.


Sarah said...

Totally different way to view that whole thing. I remember watching it on the news at 6am all by myself. Peter Jennings was crying. So was I.
It's wierd to see it without the sirens and the panicked newscasters and bystanders. The couple is so calm that it almost seems unreal.

Haley said...

So scary... I was too young when it happened to really remember the news and all that happened. Watching it made me remember just how much pain so many people have gone through because of some idiots. Its awful.

Susie Q said...

I will never forget that day and the months that followed. One of the stangest bits is the children's music playing in the background, it completely messed me up.
Life is so fragile. Humankind can be so evil.

froelica said...

Yeah that's pretty creepy. One thing I saw that I wont ever forget is this video I saw in my Palestine/Israel Relations class. It was about how Israel was reclaiming land on the West Bank where the Palestinians have lived for like... ever, and they came in with these bulldozers in the middle of the night and these families were barely awake, had about two seconds to leave their house without any of their things, sometimes without all of their family and the footage captured their houses being razed to the ground. In one part it captured this foreign aid worker, might have been American and she refused to move in front of one house and they just mowed her down. Theres a lot of fucked up shit in this world.

froelica said...

And might I add- who the crap lives that high up??? Seriously. They were on like the 20th floor. Or higher even. Freakin nutjobs.... Makes me sick just thinking about it.

Susie Q said...

Yeah, it was actually 36 floors up. I can't imagine staying there as the buildings fell. The wife keeps asking if they're okay there and the hubby just says I think so. Let me think, 36 floors up is too high even on a good day, and that wasn't ANYTHING like a good day.

Susie Q said...

Oh yeah and remember Sarah T dated a guy who's brother worked on the 80 somethingth floor of the WWTC. He made it out, thank God.
Sarah actually visited him in his office once..., HELL NO!

kara said...

If you were able to forget that day, I'd say you have a bigger problem to address. But yes...horrible.

Mac said...

Well said Kara.
Good day.

Emily said...

Wow. It was so much more powerful hearing all the sirens and listening to her talk to people on the phone - no one knew what was going on - it's just so awful and unreal. She said at one point - "it's okay, they're attacking the world trade center - not us" How scary being so close. I remember feeling so unsafe that day - I remember coming home from my Jenny Craig meeting in Salem and packing a bag and driving to mom and dads house so fast - I couldn't be alone while all this was happening - I was convinced it was the end. For many it was.