Monday, July 23, 2007

The Trinity vs. "My Student".

I learned quite a bit this last Thursday and Friday while with Haley as she registered for classes at Oregon State University.
You see, Haley has become "my student". Not my daughter but "my student". And I wonder. How can she be "my student" when I'm not "her instructor"? But that's what they all call them. "Your student!" Huh?
So after four years of college, or better yet, many years of and in college as professors they still don't get it. "My student?" No! she is "their student!"
So since i'm really messed up over this and I just don't get it I have decided that it's much the same as the Holy Trinity. Since Jesus, The Holy Spirit and God are one and the same, then perhaps Haley can be Hopper, My daughter and "my student" all at the same time.
Perhaps English 101 will explain?
Thank you for taking this ride with me.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Camp Gitcheegoomee - continued

Camp Gitcheegoomee is open. Kids of all ages are welcome to explore the nearly 1/2 acre recently created for exploring. If Peter Pan and his buds were around, they would hang out there.
But beware Waterlions. And bears.
And if anyone is wondering if big stinking hedge trimmers can cut you? They can. I have proof. Luckily, I still have all my parts. A close call.
So come on by and spend some time being a kid.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Camp Gitcheegoomee and Indian Village are open for exporing.

More to follow.