Thursday, July 12, 2007

Camp Gitcheegoomee - continued

Camp Gitcheegoomee is open. Kids of all ages are welcome to explore the nearly 1/2 acre recently created for exploring. If Peter Pan and his buds were around, they would hang out there.
But beware Waterlions. And bears.
And if anyone is wondering if big stinking hedge trimmers can cut you? They can. I have proof. Luckily, I still have all my parts. A close call.
So come on by and spend some time being a kid.


froelica said...

I would never have guessed that giant, sharp clippers could cut through human skin... I guess ANYTHING'S possible!

Sarah said...

My next door neighbor has a hedge trimmer. She said you can use it to "keep up the camp". They don't have hedges...

Susie Q said...

"Neighbor has a hedge trimmer,... they don't have hedges..."

Oh and Dad/Jim is going nuts thinking and planning new stuff for Camp Gitcheegoomee. Think buried treasure, maps, the whole nine yards.(Okay what the crap does "whole nine yards" mean anywho?)

Mac said...

"Whole nine yards" is a term used in construction referring to the amount a concrete mixer could carry. Of course they now hold 10-11 yards. So, there you go.
Have a nice day.
It has been a pleasure educating you.

Mac said...

Fort Wilderness is in the planning process. Should begin soon.
Stay tuned....or better yet, come visit.

Emily said...

Man I wish my girls were a bit older so they could really get into the camp... soon and very soon..... now I have you humming that song don't I???? hehehe it will be stuck in your head for days - crap now it's stuck in mine... shoot that didn't really work the way I wanted it to.