Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Oh the world owes me a livin'"

About a week ago Sue and I went to a movie while out of town. We saw the latest National Treasure movie with Nicolas Cage. Good movie too. In fact really good. In a Nicolas Cage kind of way. A good story and some pretty fine action stuff. I do recommend it. But that's not the point here.

Here is where it gets good. Stinking good in fact.

Flash forward. No wait. Flash backward about 30 years. You are sitting in a movie theater. And not only are you going to see not just one movie, but two. For the same price, but you do not have any previews or adds.

But what you do have (always) is a cartoon. Yes ladies and gentlemen, a real honest to goodness Warner Brothers type cartoon. Or Disney. Or whatever. The point is, it is a good cartoon.

Now here we are, about 30 years later. At a Regal Cinema. And what comes on the screen just before our feature?

A freaking Walt Disney Goofy movie. It was glorious. Goofy was at his best. Doing all of his Goofy stuff including his signature call as he falls of a mountain.....Ahh...whoooo hoooo hooooooyy.

You know what I'm talking about. We all love Goofy. And we both just looked at each other and just about cried with happiness. We were back in the day. And Regal started our feature film with a good ol' Walt Disney cartoon.

Life is good!


Mac said...

Who the crap is fenrisar?

Mac said...

Hey fenrisar,
you piece of SHIT!


Sarah said...

That is so cool. I hope that will be the new trend in movies.
As for fenrisar...eat shit and die. Blog spammers are the lowest on the food chain.

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV de LCD, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://tv-lcd.blogspot.com. A hug.

Susie Q said...

Priceless bunster! I love me some Goofey, yeah baby!

Sarah said...

Dad, don't click on the link. You've been targeted apparently. Go to the settings part of the blog and set it up so comments can't be computer generated. Does that make sense?

kara said...

for only $12! a bargain!

froelica said...

I saw that too, and aye it did make me smile.

Those scum suckers seem to LOVE you Jim.

James said...

"What the hell is Goofy?"