Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dagnab, side-windin', sod-bustin' rascles........
Gotta love this dude.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Camp Gitcheegoomee has been winterized. The waters of the dreaded Turner Creek have been on the rise. The Gnomes have gone North for the Winter. Poncho has taken his flag and headed South and the Injuns have headed to their Winter camp.
But not to worry....
Fort Wilderness and Monkey Bridge will remain open to any who dare the nasty winter months.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ibuprofen is good!

To quote Smiles A lot from Dances with Wolves,........"my arm doesn't work".
But first, lets go back a week or two. Shall we?
It all began by cutting down trees and ripping up shrubs to make way for the new trailer pad.
The pile of debris was huge. Luckily for me someone else hauled it away.
Next was the task of removing and relocating what I believe to be quite a lot of soil and more debris. That's when it got fun. Because to move the soil, I had to remove the stumps.
Oh boy. Stump grinders are cool. However, it was like trying to hold onto a bucking bull. Quite heavy and very powerful. I just told myself to Man-up and get it done. So I did.
Except doing it required me to use muscles that I didn't know I had. Oh well.
Then. Yesterday, I had a pile of crushed rock delivered and dumped. Now for the spreading.
And that my why my arm doesn't work too well right now.
Ibuprofen is good.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I Got Your Line Item Veto Hangin'

It's only October 2007. Many months from the presidential primaries. And even many more months from the actual elections.
Last night, we watched some of a presidential debate. We were hoping to hear some words of wisdom from someone. Anyone!
All it did was make us turn the channel.
I am already tired of the political blah blah blah. If they want my vote, they need to speak my language.
And I am guessing I am not alone. How many times did they say Line Item Veto I wonder?
Anyone have a clue what it means? Not me!
And if they are going to have a debate and include all folks running, why were 90% of the questions aimed at two guys?
Bull crap! That's why. Simple. Bull crap!

Have a nice day!