Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I Got Your Line Item Veto Hangin'

It's only October 2007. Many months from the presidential primaries. And even many more months from the actual elections.
Last night, we watched some of a presidential debate. We were hoping to hear some words of wisdom from someone. Anyone!
All it did was make us turn the channel.
I am already tired of the political blah blah blah. If they want my vote, they need to speak my language.
And I am guessing I am not alone. How many times did they say Line Item Veto I wonder?
Anyone have a clue what it means? Not me!
And if they are going to have a debate and include all folks running, why were 90% of the questions aimed at two guys?
Bull crap! That's why. Simple. Bull crap!

Have a nice day!


Amy said...

Line-item Veto: The ability to veto a specific provision of a bill without vetoing the bill as a whole.

Usually an item is vetoed because of budget issues.

There was a Line-Item Veto Act instituted under Clinton to help control excessive spending and tax benefits... it was ruled unconstitutional in 1998.

Bottom line: Shifts the power of federal spending from Congress over to the President.

Mac said...

Thank you Amy.
You get my vote.

Susie Q said...

I was appalled at the imbalance the debate. The front runners; ol' Rudy, Rommney, and the actor dude Thompson were pretty much alone up there, the others just looked on. They allowed them 1 for every 10 the big shots got. My guy Ron Paul looked old and out of place. His answers didn't work because he needs to explain everything first. It made him look confused instead of brilliant as I've seen him speak before. The whole thing was very depressing.

Sarah said...


froelica said...

I tend to stay away from the Republican debates. It angries up the blood...

James said...


kara said...

I'm for any debate that's actually more than a group of people saying the same thing in slightly different ways. That's not a debate...that's a pissing contest. If I want to see one of those, there are several alleyways I could wander down. But I don't...'cause gross.

Mac said...

Well said Kara.

Emily said...

Good thing I missed that one.... luckily I was spending my time worth while - SCRAPBOOKING. I have to say - at this point - no one has my vote....