Camp Gitcheegoomee has been winterized. The waters of the dreaded Turner Creek have been on the rise. The Gnomes have gone North for the Winter. Poncho has taken his flag and headed South and the Injuns have headed to their Winter camp.
But not to worry....
Fort Wilderness and Monkey Bridge will remain open to any who dare the nasty winter months.
Good job dad. I was gettin worried they were going to float away! hehe.
Gitcheegoomee's a-floodin', eh?
Damn weather....
Is that Santa doing the ol' zig heil? I knew he has questionable extracurricular activities. Sneaky old bastard.
Hahaha! Hitler Santa!
Thanks for keeping the goomie up to date. It will be that much more fun when the sun comes back out next year. Molly will be one of the goomies then too.
Good job Dad!
Good job Dad!
Good job Dad!
It's as if Santa is saying, "Get out of here you ass, can't you let me take a crap in peace!?"
What the hell? What's with the squatting?
The Santa was from a Google search. I was looking for a sign that read "you must be this tall to ride this ride".
And this is what I got.
The reasons you could need a "You must be this tall to ride this ride" are endless and hilarious.
The reason may, quite possibly be funnier than the Santa.
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