In the next few days, go back through this years blogs and lets vote for the best.
I believe they are all available for review on the blog pages.
Put your two favorite ones here and then we can whittle it down to the best.
Martin J. dog came to us when he was about a year old. Haley brought him in one day as he always visited us in our front yard. Sue gave him a bath in the kitchen sink, put a really cool red bandana on him and the next thing we knew, he was part of the MacMillan clan. He was always happy to see someone come home and after a long day of protecting the homestead the first thing he usually heard was "Outside Martin".. Music to his ears I'm sure. Martin was one of my best friends.
Here are my two votes for best blog
From Sue -
Friday, May 11, 2007
Words that mean "barf" or "50 Ways to Leave Your Lunch"
Had 22 responses.
And one from James on DECEMBER 11.
15 responses
ok after spending a long time looking through all the posts, gotta say, there are some really good ones!!
here are my top two:
From James: october 22nd, Title: "Wahhh!!!"
From Dad: Noveber 7th, Title: "Blog of Blogs"
That was fun!
I spent the last 1/2 hour looking through all the posts from 2007 of our little group and here are my picks. (And it wasn't easy...)
Ashley (2)
February 4th "That's What She Said"
May 3rd "One More" the whole orca freakout, hysterical! (and I quote, "Orcas, murderous, vindictive, baby eaters.")
Sarah (1)
August 30th "Stuff & Nonsense & Stuff" (this is the one that contains THE picture of James taken at Whidbey with the Yetti in the background.)
Jim (2)
November 7th "Blog of Blogs"
December 24th "And the winner is..." (great idea, needs to be an annual event)
Crap I missed one
November 3rd "Life as a Musical"
Okay, apparently I can't read, cause Jim and Haley just gave me grief for posting so many choices. I didn't see the vote for only (2) part.
So my 2 are...
Ashley's "That's What She Said"
Sarah's "Stuff & Nonsense & Stuff"
There, are you happy now?
Ok, ok, here are my two (cents):
Sarah- "Quality 'Dad Time'". That one made me laugh for quite some time.
Sue- I'm with Jim here. "Words that mean 'barf' or '50 Ways to Leave Your Lunch'".
Oh, and I believe that my post that had that quote was the "Post of Nothingness". I think.....
Why do I know this?
Um...I chose option D
"D" ?
Perhaps the snow got to you?
Ok, after much consideration. (about 10 minutes) I have chosen my picks.
1. The Blog of Blogs by Dad
2. More Vomit-Inducing Fear by Ashley.
high votes: 3 for blog of blogs
2 for 50 ways to leave your lunch
but i ask you... why have there only been 5 of us voting!!!??
Looks like a two way tie:
For those who cast your vote, way to go.
"Barf or 50 Ways to Leave Your Lunch"
Blog of Blogs.
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