I have an idea. Lets see who can have the longest running blog without actually BLOGGING!
Oops. I loose.
By the way, the photo is as random as this blog.
Have a nice day.
Martin J. dog came to us when he was about a year old. Haley brought him in one day as he always visited us in our front yard. Sue gave him a bath in the kitchen sink, put a really cool red bandana on him and the next thing we knew, he was part of the MacMillan clan. He was always happy to see someone come home and after a long day of protecting the homestead the first thing he usually heard was "Outside Martin".. Music to his ears I'm sure. Martin was one of my best friends.
I'm frightened Auntie Em, I'm frightened...
i wonder if the guy in the picture is lonely. i'm thinking yes.
thats all i have.
: )
Jon wins!!
Jon totally wins. Emily and James are quickly catching up. Amy too.
Yeah, I think Jon is in the lead with a close tie for second.
Ok, I'm out of the runnings, I updated...
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