Bahh....... Bahh..........
I think I'm a Sheep.
Today at Red Robin I ordered Fish and Chips (without the chips). Of course it is served in a plastic bowl thingy that is lined with paper.
I found out today that Malt Vinegar saturates paper to the point of it being really soft.
So soft in fact that each time I would cut through the fish with my fork, I would get a nice little piece of the paper with it.
The wierd thing is I had eaten about 3 to 4 inches of the papewr before I noticed.
And then it freaked me out that I had eaten the paper.
That's when I realized that I was a Sheep.
I thought it was goats that ate everything...not sheep. But, you know, I'm not really that up on my barnyard cuisines, so I could be wrong.
Besides, I think paper's good for you. Lots of...vitamins?
PS: I hate that stupid russian joke. I still don't get it.
I feel bad for Kara. She's digging too deep on that joke.
I like sheep.
Eric loves the Fish and Chips at Red Robin! That place is Ethan's FAVORITE! We have to go once a week - thank goodness they have a variety that I like! :) Although I have never tried the paper before....
red robin... yummm
orrr in dads case
red robin... bahhhh
Molly eats paper all the time - notice the next time you are at my house how many books have little bite marks out of them.... now I know where she gets it from - you dad! :)
Bahh bahh bahh
Haley and I were with him. It was so cute to see how FREAKED he got! Paper? Big deal, do you how many bugs we eat every year?
Neither do I.
Poor poor Kara...
Jim, you got spammed!
I didn't know you could get spammed here.
Ain't nothin' sacred anymore?
"it's been very nice to meet you".
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